Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Leaving on a jet plane... but only after i go through dreaded security

Oh man.

For some reason I'm feeling a bit nauseous. I leave for school tomorrow night on the red eye flight. It's something i've done many a time before but for some reason i'm feeling a little ill at ease. I think maybe it's the pressure of getting my thesis done by the end of this term added to the fact that I didn't do any school work while home for the holidays. Plus, I'm going to be living in a new place with new house mates who I don't know. (I've met one of them a couple times now and she seems pretty cool. The other I have yet to meet, but i'm not actually worried about. I'm sure she'll be fine to live with too.)

I guess i'm nervous because the school semester can go by so quickly. It has actually already started (on monday the 4th) and I don't arrive until thursday afternoon.

I still need to set up a meeting with my thesis supervisor and advisor, but don't know when to do that since I haven't done anything yet so I don't really have anything to show them. :( But I don't want to put it off too long either because the semester is only about 12 weeks until penultimate presentation, and then 2 more weeks (if we're lucky) before my final defence. EEEK!

whooo.... breathe. I know I can do this. I just need to focus.

I am smart, competent and goal oriented. I am capable of finishing my thesis, dammit! I just wish I didn't pick such a difficult subject. grrrr!!!

[for anyone out there who's actually reading this and wondering. I'm taking my Masters in Architecture. My thesis is based on the idea that we all share a common unconscious knowledge of the meanings of symbols and archetypal myths. The goal is to express this unconscious knowledge in a spiritual building {ok, well actually it's been separated into four buildings now} through the physical perceptions of such things as light, colour, texture, materials, and such. ...ugh. yeah. dammit! why do i have to be interested in such complex things!!!!]

And what the heck is up with the stupid airport body scanners that we're going to be getting?!??!  Talk about a breach of privacy!  I can't believe they're being allowed!!  UGH!  NOOOOOO!  Man, what a pain in the ass!

Anyone else have any travel plans soon too?  How are you looking forward to having some random airport security person seeing your body shape and undergarments?  ugh..  p-tew!  I spit at today's stupid society paranoid about "terrorist" attacks.  Can't we all just get along?

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